
Languages: German, English
Certifications: Certified Scrum Master
Focus: .Net, C#, GIS, Database- & Software-Architecture, Backend-Development

Know How: SOAP/Webservices, Visual Studio, IntelliJ, Webstorm, .NET(+Core), Entity Framework (+Core), ASP.NET (+Core), SPS, CAN-Bus,OOA, OOD, Git, Eclipse, Redgate, DevExpress, Telerik, SOA, REST, WCF, WPF, MVVM, MVC, Mahapps Metro, Prism, Oracle, MS-SQL, PHP, MySQL, Crystal Reports, SSRS, Powershell, IIS, Nuget, Azure, C/C++, Java/J2EE, Spring, Spring Boot, Hibernate, VB.NET, Teradata, Delphi, .Net Microframework, Scrum, Message Queues, Design Patterns, Moq, Unit-Tests, RxJS, Stylecop, Resharper, RavenDB, MongoDB, TDD, Angular/AngularJS, Bootstrap, jQuery, Typescript, Less, Pug/Jade, JavaScript, CSS, HTML, Bower, NodeJS, ArcGIS, Axure, ASM, WCF, Docker, Kubernetes, Helm, Azure DevOps


09/2022 – 10/2022
Mechanical Engineering
Development of a C# library to control a KBS Pick2Light system using UDP communication, mapping of the necessary functionalities and abstraction according to customer requirements. Ensuring quality and functionality through unit tests and Azure build pipelines.

C#, .NET Core, UDP, Azure DevOps, LinqPad, Git, Bash, Visual Studio 2022, Moq, Resharper, StyleCop, OOA/OOD, MVVM, Unit Tests, log4net
01/2022 – today
Agriculture / Research
Senior GIS Developer in Scrum team for migration from ArcGISJS3 to ArcGISJS4. Implementation of multi-map capability, as well as conversion to observable behavior of ArcGISJS related functionalities. Deployment of the FeatureLayer on the existing ArcGIS servers via ArcGIS Pro. Investigation of performance problems and development of appropriate measures. Ensuring parallel operation and transfer of developed features to both versions. Deployment and release via Azure DevOPS. Connection of external data sources of the company, as well as development of suitable provisioning mechanism to increase availability. Implementation of new features using ArcGISJS4, as well as active collaborators of the backend migration to ASP.NET Core.

C#, .NET Core, ASP.NET (+Core), ArcGIS, Angular 14, TypeScript, RXJS, Azure DevOPS, NodeJS, Git, Scrum. Visual Studio 2022, Oracle 19c, PhpStorm, Kendo UI, Pug, SCSS, dotConnect, EntityFramework, Angular Material, JSON, WKT, LinqPad, JavaScript, IIS, Nuget, Resharper, StyleCop, OOA/OOD, UnitTests, Integration Tests, Karma, Jasmine, DotSpatial, NetTopologySuite, Postman
11/2020 – 12/2020
IT-Services / Public Sector
Conception and design of a cloud-based solution for the display and navigation of construction sites within the scope of a tender participation. Comparison of different providers in terms of price-performance and scalability. Design of a building block solution for cost reduction and integration of routing and geocoding. Provision of executable examples as web and desktop application.

ArcGIS, HERE, CARTO, leaflet, Angular, RxJS, C#, ASP.NET Core, Docker, Postman, GeoCodeAPI, OpenRouting, OpenStreetMap, KendoUI, JSON, LinqPad, Git, Bash, Visual Studio 2022, Resharper, StyleCop
06/2020 – today
Mechanical Engineering
Design and implementation of a laser engraving system hosted in AKS with microservice architecture. Gateway architecture with NGINX containers and Angular 14 frontend with self-developed components, as well as components based on Kendo UI (Telerik). Develop Helm scripts to automate variable deployment processes in Azure DevOps. Develop build scripts to support Helm based deployment. Deploy environments for quality assurance including deployment for pull requests. Provide deployments for multi-staging environments (Dev - Test - Live), as well as continuous deployment of the current development state. Development of a framework based on ASP.NET Core for easier development of backend services, incl. integration of a customer-specific authentication as MiddleWare.

C#, ASP.NET Core, Docker, Kubernetes / AKS (Azure Kubernetes Services), Azure DevOps, NGINX, Kendo UI, Helm, Entity Framework Core, LinqPad, Git, Bash, Visual Studio 2022, Moq, .NET Core, JSON, XML, SAP, Resharper, StyleCop, OOA/OOD, MVVM, Unit Tests, log4net
06/2019 – 02/2020
Mechanical Engineering
Development of a modular, multilanguage framework based on Prism and Mahapps Metro for unification and redevelopment of existing test bench applications. Relization of an existing test bench application as exemplary development and evaluation of the practicability. Migration of the existing business logic with Unit Tests. Connection to SPS and CAN-Bus Control as well as emulation of both components within the test execution. Connection to SAP interface and the internal order tracking interface for accessing of the required data. Overwork of the configuration structure. Packaging and publishing of the framework components via Nuget for .NET 4.7.1 and .NET Core 2 and 3. Automation of builds and creation of the source control strategie in Azure DevOps. Training of the staff in Azure DevOps and the development according to Scrum.

C#, WPF, Mahapps Metro, Prism, LinqPad, Azure DevOops, Git, Bash, Visual Studio 2019, CAN-Bus, SPS, Moq, .NET Core, JSON, VB.Net, SciChart, Resharper, StyleCop, OOA/OOD, MVVM, Unit Tests, log4net
09/2017 – 12/2021
Agriculture / Research
Lead-Developer in Scrum-Team for new development and migration of the existing GIS-based planning & management product line. Creation of a web endpoint via Angular 5 with Typescript, Less and Pug. Development of a WPF-Tablet-App-Prototype for data exchange in outdoor use, as well as recording of GPS-based movement data. Conception and development of the backend architecture with database and REST-API. Consultation of the stakeholders and Training of Product Owners and Developers. Maintenance of existing products and report provision for quality management purposes.

C#, WPF, ArcGIS, Angular 5, Bootstrap, jQuery, NodeJS, TFS, Git, Bash, Scrum, Visual Studio 2018, Sql Server 2016, SSRS, Oracle 12c, PhpStorm, dotConnect, EntityFramework, JavaScript, Typescript, Less, CSS, Pug, HTML, ASP.NET WebAPI, REST, JSON, XML, WKT, LinqPad, Powershell, IIS, Nuget, Topshelf, Resharper Ultimate, Stylecop, OOA/OOD, MVVM, Unit Tests, DevExpress, Axure, Karma, Jasmine, Protractor, DotSpatial, NetTopologySuite, Fiddler, Azure
09/2015 – 08/2017
Agriculture / Research
Scrum Master (Certified) and Senior Developer in a Scrum Team for development of several GIS based applications for planning and evaluation of biological experiments in the agricultural sector with help of tablet-, desktop- and web-applications. Training of the developers and product owners according to Scrum, as well as composition of the cross-team Scrum Process. Creation of automated scripts for improved usage of the version control system (Git) and conception of a suitable sprint branching strategy followed by Build- and Release-Management. Distribution of a .NET-based REST-API-Framework, database conception / -optimization and support of the student staff.

C#, WPF, AngularJS, Bootstrap, jQuery, NodeJS, TFS, Git, Bash, Scrum, Visual Studio 2015, Sql Server 2014, Oracle 11g R2, WebStorm, dotConnect, EntityFramework, ArcGIS, JavaScript, CoffeeScript, Less, CSS, Pug, HTML, NodeJS, Bower, ASP.NET WebAPI/MVC/WebForms, REST, JSON, XML, WKT, LinqPad, Powershell, IIS, Topshelf, Resharper Ultimate, Stylecop, MSTest, Fiddler, MVVM, DevExpress, OAuth, OData, Unit Tests, Karma, Jasmine, Protractor, OOA/OOD, DotSpatial
02/2015 – 08/2015
Research / Development
External consultant for support and development in .NET and web field. Extension, maintenance, redesign of existing planning software, as well as refactoring and porting from ASP.NET MVC to AngularJS. Data access to geographic information systems with Esri ArcGIS components. .NET and JavaScript Unit Testing. Provision of an ASP.NET WebAPI based REST/OData framework. Creation of a TabletPC optimized MVVM application for data collection and synchronization.

AngularJS, Bootstrap, jQuery, CoffeeScript, Less, Jade, JavaScript, CSS, HTML, Bower, NodeJS, IntelliJ IDEA 14, Visual Studio 2013, ASP.NET WebAPI/MVC/WebForms, REST, OData, Topshelf, MVVM, WPF, TFS, Git, Sql Server 2012, Entity Framework, ArcGIS, DevExpress, StyleCop, Unit Tests, Karma, Jasmine, Protractor, OOA/OOD, DotSpatial
08/2014 – 01/2015
Tax Accountancy / Auditing
Senior-Technical-Engineer for support in data migration project, including development of a web based client for showing, creation and deletion of disposition requests with help of DevExpress web controls. Support in Backend- and Service-Development with WCF-Architecture. Documentation of developed components, conception of Software-Development-Guidelines, including safeguarding of code quality with unit tests and stylecop.

C#, VB.NET, SQL Server 2012, Stylecop, Design Patterns, WCF, Visual Studio 2013, Unit Tests, Resharper, DevExpress, ASP.NET MVC/WebForms, Moq, OOA/OOD, TFS, Windows Workflow Foundation, Entity Framework
11/2013 – 07/2014
Agriculture & Biotechnology
Software Engineer in conception and development for software according to biotechnological requirements in a Scrum-Developer-Team with purposeful inclusion of Design Patterns as well as Unit-Testing of the developed components. Use of Service-Oriented-Architectures with help of Service-Bus-System (WCF & NServiceBus) to provide distributed Import- and Calculation-Services. Object-oriented analysis and design for the requirements. Development of data structures and queries in Oracle database system including optimization

C#, VB.NET, Oracle 11R2, SQL Server 2012, Stylecop, Design Patterns, WCF, REST, Visual Studio 2012/2013, Unit Tests, Resharper, Devexpress, Test Driven Development, Message Queues, NServiceBus, ASP.NET, RavenDB, Moq, OOA/OOD
10/2013 – 10/2013
Adaptation and maintenance of the existing EDI-Communication software for information in energy-economic sector, including optimization and documentation of the existing data structures

C#, MySQL, Visual Studio 2010/2012, EDIFACT
07/2013 – 10/2013
Internet & Marketing
Automation of work processes, incl. Query-Automation in Enterprise-Environment, Coaching/Training SQL, Data-Quality-Management, Documentation, Analytics/Reporting, Data-Supply

C#, SQL, Teradata, Visual Studio, Excel
06/2013 – 06/2013
Internet & Marketing
Analytical queries incl. reporting in TeradataDB. Documentation, Redesign/Optimization of existing queries

C#, SQL, Teradata, Visual Studio
04/2013 – 05/2013
(Pharmacy-) Mail Order Business
Further development of the ERP system, preparation for adaption of further shop systems, conception for the extension of the existing data deployment service

C#, C++, T-SQL, MS SQL Server 2012, MySql, PHP, Crystal Reports, Redgate
03/2013 – 03/2013
(Pharmacy-) Mail Order Business
Development of a price export interface to “Pharmatechnik”

C#, T-SQL, MS SQL Server 2012, Pharmatechnik, Redgate
02/2013 – 02/2013
(Pharmacy-) Mail Order Business
Design of a data and control structure for conditions and wholesale data for the redesign of the affected ERP modules

C#, C++, VB.Net, T-SQL, MS SQL Server 2012, Redgate
02/2013 – 02/2013
(Pharmacy-) Mail Order Business
Development of a database based solution for time-controlled data changes

C#, T-SQL, MS SQL Server 2012, Redgate
01/2013 – 01/2013
(Pharmacy-) Mail Order Business
Redesign / Conception of the existing database architecture

T-SQL, MS SQL Server 2012, Redgate
12/2012 – 05/2013
(Pharmacy-) Mail Order Business
IT Team Leader (Administration & Development)
09/2012 – 09/2012
(Pharmacy-) Mail Order Business
Design of a change log protocol and development of a service program to share the data with the existing web based deployment system

C#, T-SQL, MS SQL Server 2012, MySql, Oracle, Crystal Reports, TCP-IP, Redgate
08/2012 – 08/2012
(Pharmacy-) Mail Order Business
Development of a web based solution for data deployment to several shop systems

C#, T-SQL, MS SQL Server 2012, MySql, Oracle, PHP, Amazon-S3, MVC, JSON, Redgate, Eclipse, Java, Hibernate
04/2012 – 07/2012
(Pharmacy-) Mail Order Business
Conception of a multi-affiliate article data structure and migration of the existing structure with data synchronization

C#, T-SQL, MS SQL Server 2008, Crystal Reports, TCP-IP, Redgate
02/2012 – 03/2012
(Pharmacy-) Mail Order Business
Conception and module development for adaption to amazon marketplace

C#, T-SQL, MS SQL Server 2008, XML, SOAP, WCF, Redgate
01/2012 – 01/2012
(Pharmacy-) Mail Order Business
Development of an interface to process orders from an external ERP software

C#, VB.Net, T-SQL, MS SQL Server 2008, Redgate, Mauve Mail-order Software
09/2011 – 12/2011
(Pharmacy-) Mail Order Business
Replacement of the goods movement, procurement, warehousing of the old ERP system, coaching/introduction of affected employees into the new system

C#, T-SQL, MS SQL Server 2008, Crystal Reports, MVC, WPF, WCF, TCP-IP
06/2011 – 08/2011
(Pharmacy-) Mail Order Business
Development of a solution for multi-tenancy (multi-affiliate) and adaption to the marketplace “MeinPaket”

C#, VB.Net, T-SQL, MS SQL Server 2008, Crystal Reports
05/2011 – 05/2011
(Pharmacy-) Mail Order Business
Design and adaption of reports for orders, goods listings, invoices with Crystal Reports

C#, T-SQL, MS SQL Server 2008, Crystal Reports
01/2011 – 05/2013
(Pharmacy-) Mail Order Business
Project Manager ERP (Further development and redesign)
12/2010 – 04/2011
(Pharmacy-) Mail Order Business
Conception and Development of data structures and processes for goods movement, procurement for the ERP redesign

C#, T-SQL, MS SQL Server 2008
11/2010 – 11/2010
(Pharmacy-) Mail Order Business
Interface implementation of the “ifap-Webservice” to handle medical interactions and post data preparation

C#, T-SQL, MS SQL Server 2008, SOAP
10/2010 – 10/2010
(Pharmacy-) Mail Order Business
Development of a statistic module with GUI to analyze shop and direct sales and trends

C#, T-SQL, MS SQL Server 2008, SOAP
09/2010 – 09/2010
(Pharmacy-) Mail Order Business
Integration of the “Paygate” Interface for credit card payment

C#, T-SQL, MS SQL Server 2008, SOAP, XML
08/2010 – 08/2010
(Pharmacy-) Mail Order Business
Conception and implementation of a web based frontend and a database data structure for warehouse inventories

C#, T-SQL, MS SQL Server 2008, SOAP, MVC, ASP.Net, iPad
05/2010 – 07/2010
(Pharmacy-) Mail Order Business
Further development of the existing CMS system for managing the Shop- and ERP-System and development of a central server and creation of a specified client communication protocol

C#, T-SQL, MS SQL Server 2008, SOAP, XML, TCP/IP
04/2010 – 04/2010
(Pharmacy-) Mail Order Business
Interface implementation to POS printer via RS232 to print receipts, including a GUI for ERP system integration

C#, T-SQL, MS SQL Server 2008, POS
10/2009 – 03/2010
(Pharmacy-) Mail Order Business
Implementation of a service adaption to the “Schufa Online Gateway” to retrieve and submit credit data, including the adaption to the existing ERP system and data analysis

C#, T-SQL, MS SQL Server 2008, XML-RPC, OpenSSL, REST, Eclipse, Java
09/2009 – 09/2009
(Pharmacy-) Mail Order Business
Conception and implementation of a webservice infrastructure for the ERP system to communicate with the existing shop webservice

C#, T-SQL, MS SQL Server 2008, SOAP, MVC
07/2009 – 07/2009
(Pharmacy-) Mail Order Business
Implementation of a customized article search for the ERP

C#, T-SQL, MS SQL Server 2008
02/2009 – 06/2009
(Pharmacy-) Mail Order Business
Development of a logistic solution with DHL, transmitting data, process automation, addresses validation and integration into the existing ERP system

C++, C#, T-SQL, MS SQL Server 2008
11/2008 – 01/2009
(Pharmacy-) Mail Order Business
Further development and redesign of the existing update service system to process article data and data deployment to affected systems

C++, C#, T-SQL, MS SQL Server 2005, MySql, PHP, Pharmasoft
10/2008 – 10/2008
(Pharmacy-) Mail Order Business
Development of an interface to process electronic statements of account with MT940 format

C#, C++
09/2008 – 09/2008
(Pharmacy-) Mail Order Business
Interface implementation to receive medical information from the ”ifap-Webservice”

C#, C++, T-SQL, MS SQL Server 2008, SOAP
04/2008 – 08/2008
(Pharmacy-) Mail Order Business
Interface implementation for wholesaler order systems with webservices (SOAP, XML-RLC) and “DAFUE-Server”, including a implementation of an internal order system

C++, VB.Net, C#, T-SQL, MS SQL Server 2005, SOAP, XML-RPC, IS DAFUE-Server
08/2007 – 03/2008
(Pharmacy-) Mail Order Business
Development of a service system for data synchronization between shop system and the ERP database, Import of wholesaler availability data and conception of a specific database structure

C++, C#, T-SQL, MS SQL Server 2005, MySql, PHP, Pharmasoft
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