Christian Brandt

Software- & Database-Architecture / GIS

I’m a freelancer based in Germany with more than 16 years of experience in Software & Database Architecture and more than 8 years experience in GIS Architecture along with Cloud and DevOps skills required for achieving the best results for my customers.

My journey in software development started in 2006 when I studied Computer Engineering in Berlin. During this time I was already working as a software developer in a mail-order pharmacy, where I was able to expand my skills more and more and continued to do so for several years after graduation. A new chapter began in 2013 with the self-employment as a Software- & Database Architect, which enabled me to cover a wider spectrum and to expand my wealth of experience even further. The various projects in the areas of auditing, agriculture/research, automotive industry, mechanical engineering, energy supply and pharmacy enabled me to find the right solutions for the ever-growing challenges and to support my long-standing customers in the best possible way.

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